Graziers Solutions & Supply Origin
In the early 1980's we returned to the family farm after 10 years of working for others. In looking back, realistically, we couldn't have picked a worse time. Low farm prices coupled with extremely high interest rates made farming and ranching unprofitable. Thankfully, I had a full time job and a frugal wife. Even with that we probably did all of the wrong things. We bought cows, machinery and land. At the same time we were building a farrow to feed pig hog business. It was a constant struggle with many ups and downs. We persisted and worked hard. It was like having 2 full time jobs.
In the late 1990's, I became disillusioned with the status quo of agriculture. Again, things were in a slump and not profitable. About this time my cousin Jim, returned to their family farm after many years of being away and began implementing new grazing practices. I became extremely interested.
In the spring of 1998, I attended my first 2 day Grazing School, hosted by two Extension Educators that were thinking "outside the box". They introduced me to the concept known as "Management Intensive Grazing" (MIG). For two days I sat on the edge of my chair soaking up everything presented, knowing I had found what I was looking for. I came home from that Grazing School and began to implement the things I had learned. I began dividing pastures into paddocks, getting water sources in place and putting farm land back to grass. I started calving much later in the spring and letting the cow do the work. This was maybe a little disconcerting for my wife, but she supported me nonetheless.
In 1999, I attend an advanced two day Grazing School, again hosted by the same
Extension Educators, which fueled the fire even more. Our farm and ranch operation was never to be the same.
In the spring of 2001, I made the decision, again, fueled by my passion for "MIG", to
begin the business "Graziers Solutions & Supply". I wanted to provide electric fence and stock water products so that other producers could make their operations more profitable. We began by simply being a 'dealer' for the Speedrite line. We have since achieved 'distributor' status with approximately 20 dealers scattered throughout Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado to supply and assist other farmers and ranchers.
Every year has it's challenges with farm prices, drought, hail and ever increasing taxes, but we would never go back to the 'Farmer' way of doing things.
It's been quite a ride and we look forward to the future as we adopt new technology into our business and keep growing.